



Recruit your Caregivers with Perks4Care

Your caregivers are your company’s most valuable asset. Perks4Care is a creative, simple-to-use tool that will help you recognize the important work they do.

product mockups

How it works

"Points" Icon


Companies award points to caregivers to encourage loyalty, work consistency, and other desired behaviors. Each company decides how many points to award based on their staffing needs and can change as needed.

points page screenshot
"Badges" Icon


Companies can award point badges at any time to reward a caregiver, whether it be for going the extra mile, referring a friend, saving the day with a tough to fill open shift, or any number of other achievements that can be customized with a note on the appropriate badge. Badges can also be set up automatically to celebrate caregiver birthdays, anniversaries, and other milestones.

screenshot of badges page
"Raffle" Icon


Caregivers can earn raffle tickets from Perks4Care for chances to win additional points and build their points bank. The more points they earn, the more raffle tickets awarded. A caregiver can see their raffle tickets, upcoming raffle prize drawings, and recent raffle winners within the app.

screenshot of raffle screen
"Redeem" Icon


Using the mobile app, a caregiver can redeem points and choose from a wide variety of gift cards from popular restaurants, retail shops, entertainment, and electronics companies. Gift cards are sent directly to the caregiver via their email address. It’s that simple!

Order summary screen

No Fees per Caregiver

We understand that caregivers may work some weeks and not others. You may have caregivers on your roster for months as active, without actually delivering any care. That's why we have a low monthly fee for companies to participate in Perks4Care, plus a small fee for any points rewarded. There is also a no monthly fee option for smaller companies with a bit higher fee on point rewards.

Caregiver Centered

Caregiver turnover is high, so it can be hard for your caregiver to accumulate a points balance that they can get excited about. Often, caregivers are working for multiple companies, so tracking balances in multiple rewards programs can be a real hassle. Perks4Care allows caregivers to earn points from all participating companies. With one points bank, the rewards come much faster.

Built by Industry Pros

Our team has focused on home care automation since 1999.  We understand the nuances of care at home, care in facilities, and the caregivers who deliver that care. When you join Persk4Care you will be in good company with other industry leaders and will work with a team that understands your challenges and is excited to work with you to find solutions.


How is Perks4Care better than me simply giving out cash or gift cards to my caregivers?

Studies have found that gift cards have a longer lasting and more positive effect than cash prizes because they are more often used to purchase something considered a luxury, rather than to pay a bill or meet other daily needs. A points program puts the caregiver in control, gives them something to build upon, and keeps them engaged with an app that records their success with your company. Perks4Care eliminates the hassles of managing your own rewards program and gives caregivers a meaningful benefit that is both fun and rewarding.

Why are badges important?

Digital badges are a wonderful way to show caregivers appreciation and reward them for certain behaviors, like taking a shift at the last minute... or going the extra mile for a client. There are lots of badge options and you control which badges make sense for your company and how you want to award them. We all like a little recognition and badges provide a memorable way to make someone feel special because they never go away and are always available within the app for the caregiver to review. It’s a great way to forever remind them of their much appreciated and important work.

What is the cost per point?

All companies start out paying the same cost per point--$.003, or 3/10 of a cent per point. Also collected with each point is $.01 for deposit in the caregiver’s points bank. The total cost for both the caregiver reward and the Perks4Care fee is $.013, or 1.3 cents. This fee is collected for any points awarded through the pay data import process. Points awarded with a badge are $.001 cents (1/10 of a cent), or .1 cents, plus the $.01 (one cent) per point for the caregiver award.

Reward your caregivers today, with Perks4Care

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Coming Soon! Launching Winter 2023

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